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Collagen Hydrolysate Powder

"Natürlich schön & stark von innen heraus."

 Regionale & nachhaltige Produktion bei Heidelberg und kompostierbare Verpackung

Ein Beutel enthält 450g Pulver mit optimierter Löslichkeit auch für deinen Kaffee

Beste Qualität und Bioverfügbarkeit ganz ohne chemische Zusätze aus Deutschland

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    (€59,98 / 1 kg)
    incl. VAT plus Shipping costs
    In stock - With you in 1-3 working days

    Dein Collagen Pulver löst sich nicht auf? 

    Not with our hydrolysed collagen!

    Our collagen powder impresses with its optimal solubility in water or milk. Furthermore, it has no annoying taste of its own and can be easily incorporated into shakes, meals or desserts thanks to its neutral taste.

    The optimal support for muscle building or dieting and for improving the appearance of your skin.

    •  Premium Kollagen aus Deutschland vom Weiderind
    •  High protein content & balanced amino acid profile
    •  Without a chemical club or unnecessary additives
    •  Perfect solubility and neutral taste experience
    collagen powder organic collagen hydrolysate
    collagen organic collagen powder capsules

    Nutrition is changing. You?

    Nutrition changes, and so do you. Fairchange the organic food supplement industry together with us. #Fairchange

    We, a motivated team from Heidelberg with a common vision: Transparent & honest nutritional supplements for everyone. What does that mean for you?

    •  Energy self-sufficient production with us in Heidelberg
    •  With every order we plant a tree
    •  Pure collagen without chemical additives
    •  Perfect also as neutral collagen for cooking & baking
    •  Shipped to you sustainably in a recyclable bag

    Known from

    + 80.000 satisfied customers

    Many already trust in the quality of our products. And you?

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    High quality collagen hydrolysate from Fairnatural

    Are you looking for a high-quality collagen hydrolysate with a highly effective formula? Then you've come to the right place with Fairnatural products. Our collagen powder is a protein-containing hydrolysate that brings your health and your athletic success to a new level. The collagen hydrolysate is offered in its pure and high-quality form from collagen peptides and thus promises optimal support for your health and athletic goals. But before we can go into the effect of collagen hydrolysate, we will first explain the following question: What is collagen powder anyway?

    Collagen Powder - How to take?

    Taking Fairnatural's collagen protein powder is very popular among athletes due to its high protein content. Taking collagen hydrolysate in combination with regular strength training and a protein-rich diet can promote muscle growth and also support dieting. Our collagen hydrolysate can be used in a variety of ways, making it easy to take collagen on a regular basis. The exact collagen powder dosage, however, varies individually, depending on your needs. The advantage of our product is that the collagen hydrolysate is ideal for drinking, as it can be easily mixed with water or milk to make a delicious protein shake, thanks to its very good solubility. Furthermore, our collagen hydrolysate has no annoying taste of its own, but can be used without any problems in cooking and baking for protein-rich, delicious recipes thanks to its neutral taste. You can find suggestions for recipes in our recipe category, for example. If you are wondering why you should buy the collagen hydrolysate powder instead of supplementing the ingredients in capsule form: Capsules usually need 3-5 minutes until the capsule shell breaks down and the active ingredients can unfold. If you take the collagen powder with water or milk, the ingredients arrive in the stomach after only a few seconds and can be absorbed by the body from that point on. 

    What is collagen hydrolysate and why is it important for our body?

    Kollagen ist das im menschlichen Körper am häufigsten vorkommende Protein. Es umfasst etwa 30 % der Gesamtproteinmenge und besteht aus vielen essentiellen Aminosäuren. Kollagen ist für die Straffung des Bindegewebes verantwortlich und bildet überall dort ein wichtiger Baustein des Körpers, wo Elastizität, Straffung und Stabilität eine Rolle spielen: In Knochen, Knorpeln, in der Haut, in Bändern und Sehen, in der Muskulatur sowie in den Zähnen. Kollagen ist einer der Hauptbestandteile unserer Haut und kann bis zu 80 Prozent davon ausmachen. Unser Körper bildet aus diesem Kollageneiweiß Kollagenfasern, welche sich in der Haut und anderen Geweben zu einem Kollagengerüst vernetzen, wodurch der Haut Spannung verliehen wird. Das bedeutet je höher der Kollagengehalt in unserer Haut ist, umso straffer ist sie. Des Weiteren bietet die Kollagenproduktion eine körpereigene Prävention von Gelenkschmerzen, Bänderrissen und Knochenbrüchen. Kollagen dient zudem der Förderung von Haar- und Nägelwachstum und unterstützt die Stärke sowie den Glanz der Haare. Zusammengefasst ist Kollagen also sozusagen der „Klebstoff“, der unseren Körper zusammenhält. Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Kollagen, wobei die Häufigsten die Kollagen Peptide Typ 1 und 3 sind, die etwas mehr als 80-90% des körpereigenen Kollagens ausmachen.

    German collagen hydrolysate from grazing cattle

    Das Unternehmen Fairnatural steht für Transparenz. Zum einen, achten wir – wie bei allen unseren Naturprodukten – stets auf die Wahl unserer Zutaten. Wann immer es möglich ist, beziehen wir unsere Zutaten regional und legen dabei Wert auf eine hochwertige Zusammensetzung der Inhaltsstoffe ohne Verwendung chemischer Zusatzstoffe. Die Kollagenpeptide unseres Kollagen Hydrolysat entstammen von Weiderindern. Des Weiteren wird unser Kollagen Pulver ebenso wie unsere anderen Produkte in unserer energieautarken Produktion in Heidelberg bei Mannheim produziert. Das Ganze nach den höchsten Hygienestandards (HACCP & FSSC 22000). Du erhältst also mit unserem Kollagen Hydrolysat ein hochwertiges Naturprodukt ohne Füllmittel oder Schnick Schnack, welches sich durch eine hohe Wirkungsformel von seinen Konkurrenten auf dem Markt abhebt.

    Why should you buy Fairnatural's collagen hydrolysate powder?

    Du erhält ein qualitativ hochwertiges Produkt, welches die Kollagen Peptiden 1 & 3 in ihrer Reinform beinhaltet. Mit seiner Wirkungsformel sorgt das Kollagen Hydrolysat nicht nur für eine schöne Haut, sondern unterstützt auch deine Diät sowie den Muskelaufbau optimal. Damit steht dir nichts mehr im Weg, um durch die Supplementierung des Kollagen Hydrolysat deine nächsten gesundheitlichen und sportlichen Zielen zu erreichen – Lass uns auf Instagram unter den Hashtags #Fairnaturalfamily & #Fairänderung an deiner Erfahrung teilhaben!

    What does collagen powder do?

    The effect of collagen hydrolysate can be seen in many areas. In the ageing process, the body's natural collagen production already slows down from young adulthood, which is why collagen should ideally be supplemented. The additional intake of collagen can thus on the one hand ensure that the skin looks young and fresh for longer thanks to collagen hydrolysate. On the other hand, collagen powder strengthens the hair. Furthermore, the supplementation of collagen for joints is especially recommended if your joints are heavily stressed by sports or if you have frequent joint pain. Collagen supplements help prevent osteoporosis and improve overall bone health, and the healing of sports and age-related joint injuries can be supported by collagen hydrolysate. In addition, collagen hydrolysate promotes muscle building in everyday training. Collagen thus offers many benefits for your general health as well as for your athletic performance, which is why its intake is always recommended. 

    Isn't it enough to take in collagen only through various foods?

    Eating more collagen-rich foods alone is rather difficult for the average person, as collagen is mainly found in the skin, intestines and bone marrow of animals. These animal products would then have to be consumed in very high quantities. However, since these foods are not necessarily the favourite foods of most people in the required masses, collagen preparations such as collagen hydrolysate are very suitable for nevertheless covering one's collagen content sufficiently. Collagen hydrolysate can be optimally mixed as a tasty collagen drink and can thus be ideally taken with every meal or directly after sport.

    Collagen Powder Vegan - Is there an alternative?

    As already explained, collagen is normally obtained from animals and is therefore not suitable for vegetarian and vegan diets. In the meantime, however, methods have been developed to produce collagen hydrolysate using genetically modified yeasts and bacteria. The proteins are modified in the laboratory so that they finally have the same structure as the body's own collagen. But is this artificially produced collagen powder in vegan form just as effective as animal collagen hydrolysate? Since the biological structure of vegan collagen is the same as that of the body's own collagen, it should be just as effective as its animal counterpart, but research in this area is still in its infancy, which is why this effect cannot yet be sufficiently confirmed. Furthermore, this chemically produced vegan collagen hydrolysate is nowadays difficult to obtain in the trade. Many companies therefore sell so-called "collagen boosters" as food supplements. These boosters contain vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C and zinc as well as plant extracts and herbs that promote the body's own collagen production. Furthermore, vegans can take additional amino acid supplements in order to also benefit from the advantages of collagen. The most common amino acids in collagen are glycine, lysine and proline. However, there are only a few studies that have sufficiently investigated the effect of these dietary supplements on the body's collagen formation. More research is needed in the future to further optimise collagen hydrolysate for vegetarian and vegan diets and to develop more vegan collagen products.