Welcome to Fairnatural®

We are a motivated team from Heidelberg on a sustainable mission - to change the market of functional foods and food supplements in a future-oriented direction. Have you had enough of the chemical cudgel and lack of transparency in food? Then follow our mission and become part of the #fairchange.

Get to know our core team!

Below you will find a small excerpt of the most important people in our team.

start up

Simon - Founder

Hey, I'm Simon.
When I was 19 years old, I had the idea to create organic and high-quality food supplements on my own - due to insufficient qualitative or organic alternatives on the market.

My favourite product?
Our vegan organic protein chocolate. Mix it in the morning with oat drink, banana and 5g organic energy powder in a blender and enjoy it cold - my optimal and delicious boost in the morning.

My tasks?
I coordinate our product development and production. I am also responsible for Amazon in our team. Apart from that, I am involved in all areas in order to further the #fairchange together with the team.


Angelina - Social Media Manager

Hallo, ich bin Angelina.
Mein Aufgabenfeld umfasst das Social Media Marketing, das Influencer Marketing, sowie die Kundenbetreuung auf allen unseren Kanälen.

Mein Lieblingsprodukt?
Definitiv das Golden Soul Powder. Kurkuma und Ingwer sind einfach perfekt für den Start in den Tag. Außerdem schmeckt es einfach überragend. Zusammen mit Haselnuss- oder Mandelmilch schmeckt es mir am besten und gibt mir Energie für den ganzen Tag. Außerdem ist es einfach super "Instagrammable".

Meine Aufgaben?
Als Social Media Managerin bin ich immer der erste Kontakt zu euch. In der digitalen Welt fühle ich mich zuhause und bin mir für kein peinliches Video zu schade. Neben der Inhaltserstellung für unsere Social Media Kanäle bin ich auch für Kooperationen, Kundenbetreuung und Social Ads zuständig.


Sven - Head of Design

Hello, my name is Sven.
My job at Fairnatural is to put together everything you see graphically from us. From the final label to the development of the product images or everything that is printed, such as flyers etc.. I always work very closely with the whole team.

My favourite product?
During my time at Corona, I was very involved with calisthenics and bodyweight fitness, so our vegan protein bar is my first choice. It's ideal before or after a workout, and it's deliciously vanilla and made from purely plant-based ingredients. Furthermore, the sprouted seeds keep me full for the whole workout. #Win-Win.

My intention:
The teamwork and the idea of changing the nutritional supplement market in the direction of sustainability motivate me to advance the cause.

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